What is Neptune Analytics? - Neptune Analytics

What is Neptune Analytics?

Neptune Analytics is a memory-optimized graph database engine for analytics. With Neptune Analytics, you can get insights and find trends by processing large amounts of graph data in seconds. To analyze graph data quickly and easily, Neptune Analytics stores large graph datasets in memory. It supports a library of optimized graph analytic algorithms, low-latency graph queries, and vector search capabilities within graph traversals.

Neptune Analytics is an ideal choice for investigatory, exploratory, or data-science workloads that require fast iteration for data, analytical and algorithmic processing, or vector search on graph data. It complements Amazon Neptune Database, a popular managed graph database. To perform intensive analysis, you can load the data from a Neptune Database graph or snapshot into Neptune Analytics. You can also load graph data that's stored in Amazon S3.


Neptune Analytics operates in a managed environment that can load data extremely fast into memory and run graph algorithms natively. With Neptune Analytics, you can perform in-database analytics on large graphs.

This functionality lets you perform business intelligence and custom analytical queries, and use pre-built graph algorithms with the openCypher language. For example, with Neptune Analytics you can ingest text from cybersecurity reports to analyze relationships within security environments and calculate vulnerability mitigations using graph algorithms or openCypher queries.

Neptune Analytics offers a graph as a service experience by managing graphs instead of infrastructure, so you can focus on queries and workflows to solve problems. It automatically provisions the compute resources necessary to run analytics workloads based on the size of the graph.

You can load graph data into Neptune Analytics from Amazon S3 or from a Neptune Database endpoint. You can then run graph analytics queries using pre-built or custom graph queries.


Neptune Analytics uses a simple, predictable pricing model based on the resources consumed. There are no additional costs or long-term contracts.

Getting started

You can get started by creating a new Neptune Analytics graph and loading data into it in a number of ways.

When to use Neptune Analytics and when to use Neptune Database

Amazon Neptune makes it easy to work with graph data in the AWS Cloud. Amazon Neptune includes both Neptune Database and Neptune Analytics.

Neptune Database is a serverless graph database designed for optimal scalability and availability. It provides a solution for graph database workloads that need to scale to 100,000 queries per second, Multi-AZ high availability, and multi-Region deployments. You can use Neptune Database for social networking, fraud alerting, and Customer 360 applications.

Neptune Analytics is an analytics database engine that can quickly analyze large amounts of graph data in memory to get insights and find trends. Neptune Analytics is a solution for quickly analyzing existing graph databases or graph datasets stored in a data lake. It uses popular graph analytic algorithms and low-latency analytic queries.

You can use Neptune Analytics to analyze and query graphs in data science workflows that build targeted content recommendations, assist with fraud investigations, and detect network threats.

By providing a simple API for loading, querying, and analyzing graph data, Neptune Analytics also removes the overhead of building and managing complex data-analytics pipelines.

Neptune Analytics makes it easy to apply powerful algorithms both to the data in your Neptune Database and to graph data that's stored externally. Because Neptune Analytics can load a large dataset very quickly into memory, it becomes possible to analyze graphs with tens of billions of relationships and to process thousands of analytic queries per second using popular graph analytics algorithms.